Fall 2020 Writers Retreat>Spain (Postponed)

Come join a special retreat in Spain that begins in the land of Don Quixote; a land that inspired great writers. Follow the Spanish poets and composers as well as other international adventurous artists such as Alexander Dumas (Three Musketeers), Henrietta Maria Georgiana Chatterton, (Lady Chatterton), composer Frederic Chopin, Virginia Woolf, Hemingway, Pablo Neruda, George Orwell and Edith Wharton. Hemann Hesse (Siddartha) came to Spain from Germany for contemplation after WWII and more recently Paolo Coelho; both writers carrying out Mindful walks for subsequent masterpieces inspired by Spanish landscapes.

Walk in mindful contemplation through the woods, over the plains or on a beach to stimulate your imagination.  Spain has been a long-time mecca for writers to absorb the landscape in situ. Now with tactile perception memories as a Forest Flaneur, you can build your own color palette to accompany your creative writing.

What is it that ignites these passionate people from the plains of La Mancha to the light of the Mediterranean Sea? The rock cave artists of the North and ancient sculptures of the South lay the foundation of creative expression on the Iberian Peninsula. Explore the secrets of these imaginative people and their land that transforms with every age and motivates others to create.  

The retreat is a combination of workshops and silent contemplation.  Workshops are led by Rosalinda, a bilingual professor, artist, poet and native of California with a long family history from Spain (along with the last 20 years walking the land).  Her recent Forest Flaneur methodology was carried out in Spanish landscapes, stimulated by Spanish poets with a unique point of view by utilizing tactile perception memories. The introduction workshops begin with an overview, next creative walks in a Spanish landscape, and finally studio sessions to create a personal palette. Long breaks and lunches are part of the Spanish experience to enhance the retreat with options for socializing or solitude. Total of four-day long sessions as scheduled, you may choose those sessions of interest or/and to meet your schedule.

Click on Take a Walk for more information and personal contact.
